@Fabian your example, above, is true. The robot arm uses built-in tolerances that prevent safety violations. Tolerance is the difference between a safety limit and a maximum operational value. When a program is running, the speed of the robot arm is automatically adjusted in order to not exceed any of the entered values minus the tolerance. Note that the minus sign displayed with the tolerance value is only there to indicate that the tolerance is subtracted from the actual entered value. Tolerances are specific to the version of software, so updating the Polyscope software may change the tolerances.
Hi guys,

our UR5 shows, in the safety settings, next to normal mode settings and reduced mode settings some fixed values for each of the settings ("-25 N, -0 W, -150mm/s, -3 kg/m/s").
Our distributor says this was kind of a safety tolerance implemented in the controls, which means when I set the normal mode speed limit to 250mm/s it would actually only allow 250-150= 100mm/s or when I set force limit to 100 N , it would actually limit the robots force to 100-25=75N.
Couldn't find any info on that in the manual, but cannot imagine this explanation is true.
Do you have any idea what those values mean?