Hello @kuba8k,
What version of the Wrist Camera URCap are you using? The latest release will let you adjust the threshold of the color validation, thus it will not be a simple pass or fail as in the error you're getting.
The latest release also has a color view which will allow you to preview which colors will be used to build the signature color of the model.
Try this and let me know if you have other questions.

I'M trying to use Wrist Camera to recognize colour of the cube and drop it to proper box. When I'm teaching Camera Locate function everything seems to be ok. It can find most of the cubes. When I save the settings and open the test/modify option it most often comes with error CL 120. During the work Wrist Camera just does not find the cubes (On 60 tries just 2 or 3 different cubes).
Anyone have met with something like this?