Another related post:

It is challenging.
The best reference for this is sdurobotics:
I never tried it but I think that if the system communicate with the gripper via RTDE it should work even if the gripper is mounted on the camera.
This article is to control a gripper directly connected to a PC. In you case the gripper is connected to the camera and the camera is connected to the controller so it cannot work.

This method is described in this article:
The gripper is controlled by sending UR script to UR interface. It is easy, it works but it is a bit slow because there is a lot of code to send for one action.

Thank you for the quick response!
All files are included in this google drive folder here
I have a 2F-85 connected to my laptop via the USB to RS-485 adapter and Robotiq cable included with the gripper. After installing drivers for the adapter, the device appears on 'COM5'
Opening the Robotiq User Interface I see it has been recognized by the software and verify that it is on 'COM5' and has the default parameters (baud rate = 115200, stop bit = 1, no parity bit, slave ID = 9, and having terminal resister checked).
Downloading your code (which appears to be an excellent and useful tool), I change the port name in the test section (line 545) to 'COM5' and run the code. Here is the output:
Afterward, I was able to get the code from running. Modifying the code slightly I have separated the close and open commands and have put them in callable functions.
Ideally, I would get your code running as it seems extremely useful and flexible in using the entirety of the gripper's functionality.
Thank you again for your help,

Do you have some sample code for this? I am inexperienced using the minimal modbus library

Minimal modbus is well documented:
You should be able to make it.
Here below is an example of what you could try:
instrument = minimalmodbus.Instrument('COM5', 9, debug = True)
instrument.write_registers(1000,[256,0,0]) #Activate the gripper

That code was able to activate the gripper. I am not sure why the rest of the code doesn't work.

@bcastets I am now able to get the gripper working, thank you so much for your help. In this google drive folder is the code I got working.
Running the mmtest script, I am able to call functions from the robotiqGripper script. The original mmtest program which is mostly commented out worked flawlessly. Interestingly, I was able to call the robotiqGripper functions after running the program you have listed above. I then commented out line by line until I found the line of code that would break the program when absent. For whatever reason, when commenting out the line:
instrument.serial.baudrate = 115200
the gripper is unable to run in the robotiqGripper script called.
I am not sure why this is considering line 19 of should do the same thing as instrument.serial.baudrate=115200
Nevertheless, thank you for your support,
I share with you a python program I did to control Robotiq grippers from a PC using Python and MODBUS RTU protocol.
The code is hosted on github:
I did this program after receiving several questions about how to connect our gripper on different robots, PC,... If you want to make such prooject, I recommend that you check the user manual ( Everything is explain in details with examples.
Robotiq grippers are using MODBUS RTU protocol and can be control just by writing command in their registers. I used minimalMobus library to write in gripper register and request actions.
I hope this will help to understand how its working.