I never did it but I think the 64 General purpose inputs which can be configured on the teach pendant are the same bit mapped in the profinet network. The physical and internal bit can be configured to start/stop the program as shown here:
I don't think you can load a program by this interface but you can build a main program which can be loaded automatically:
This main program can then execute a subprogram based on an integer value transferred from the Profinet integer registers.

Thank you @louis_bergeron for this information.
How do you use the GP_bool_in[i] in the program?
Best regards,

You wouldn’t use those in your program on the UR since they have robot actions tied to them, you would use them from the PLC for instance when someone presses the play button on an HMI you’d set the bit high then set it low a few hundred ms later.
Here’s a video of a Siemens HMI operating the play and pause functions on a UR that I quickly set up as a demo.
Dear all,
I'm integrating a UR-3 to a Siemens S7-1200 PLC.
So far, I have imported the GSD file into TIA Portal, established a Profinet communication between the PLC and the cobot and imported the UR_datastruct.udt file into TIA Portal.
My question is now, what are the next steps to have a completed integration of this system?
In other words, how can I control the cobot from the PLC (example Start, Stop, selection of the programs to run, etc).
Is it required to create some Function Blocks on TIA Portal for the cobot?
Also please do not hesitate to share some lessons learned and advices.
Thank you in advance for the support,
Looking forward your replies,
Kind regards,
Erik C.