Hello @JopsonL,
Are you using a UR robot?
Because if I understand your need correctly and you are using a UR cobot, this could easily be done with Insights, our production monitoring software. Other than providing real-time data to monitor and help troubleshoot your production, Insights can send your operator a text message or email when the robot requires your attention (e-stop, p-stop, more parts required, etc.).

@JopsonL there is no straightforward way to do what you are trying to do on the UR for a couple of reasons, first being the situation where the program pauses operation anytime the robot is paused, e-stopped, s-stopped or p-stopped. Second, even though you can set two of the configurable outputs to turn on when the program is e-stopped there is no easy way to catch that signal on the UR. Once those outputs are set to e-stop they are not available in the program, just tried it, also by time they come on the program will have paused execution.
The easiest way to do this is to use a latching relay, turn the latch on when the e-stop is pressed (ties up two configurable outputs, a digital output for the reset as well as one digital input to know its latched) and then reset the latch once the program comes back up and the operator clears the fault by answering your question.
Here is some information from AB on latching relays
Another option obviously is a PLC, you could then use either Ethernet/IP, Profinet, Modbus/TCP or hardwire to achieve the same thing. The beauty of using one of the field-bus protocols is you will use up less of your I/O to accomplish the same task. We do this using our Banner XS26DE safety PLC for monitoring when light curtains, laser scanners, door switches, etc. are broken so that the robot can make decisions about what to do.
What is your thought for how you will get your program to stop normal execution and go through a homing sequence if that is the case?
Hello, just wondering if it is possible to call an operator assignment within an event. The event is looking for when an estop occurs, within this event i want to ask the operator whether to resume the robot or to send it home.
Thanks in advance