sorry l happen to make some mistakes, l solve this problem.

It's still unclear to me how to operate the 2f-140 gripper in MoveIt or a Gazebo simulation. Joints do not move in coordination with each other as shown here:

and here:

Surely I don't need to reinvent the wheel? Is there an example or reference to work off of somewhere?
Today l try to integrate Robotiq 140 gripper and UR10 robot.
l just want to see if l can plan them in Moveit!.
l add the joint which link UR and Robotiq,
and then l use Moveit setup assistant to prepare the moveit package.
then l try roslaunch ur10_gripper_moveit_config demo.launch, the gripper always in red color and l cannot plan the motion
so... l don't know what's the problem is and l have tried to modified the way l configure the setup assistant many times