Hi, Robotiq is now into packaging, palletizing and sanding applications. Learn more about our new Vacuum Grippers and the Robotiq Sanding Kit. 1-888-ROBOTIQ #275 (762-6847) 1-418-380-2788 #275 (Outside US and Canada) 1-418-655-9221 (Cell) Follow us on
You can always make adjusted fingertips to your situation.
You can also get a look at the new Vacuum Gripper AirPick and EPick. Given the parts and orientation, I would suggest AirPick for more power.
Just remember that you can make a custom bracket (alike custom fingertips) to match the orientation you want during picking. A 90 degrees bracket can be useful if you want to pick from the top instead of from the side.
Enjoy the challenge, Universal-Robots products and Robotiq products.
David Gouffé
Integration Coach
Coach en intégration
Hello , I am recently working on autonomous pick and place application same as showcased in APC(Amazon picking challenge) 2016 on ROS platform with UR5 robot and robotiq 2 fingered 140 mm gripper.I am new to this challenge and want to know about experiences if any from community members dealing with similar problem since I need to pick objects from semi to full clutered rack bin and with present Robotiq design its fingers tips seems to be bulky to enter into rack bin around pick object and grasp it.I am using some open source grasp planning softwares over ROS which sample antipodal grasp point and use pre trained CNN model to rate those grasps and execute the highest rated grasp.So I would like to hear from community as in how to deal with fully cluttered rack bin with Robotiq gripper?Below are some snapshots of my current scenerio.