Hi member X, If you intend to connect the controller follow the pinout in the manual : ***Images intégrées 1*** Here are the specs for each of our product supply : POWER SUPPLY SPECIFICATION FOR VARIOUS ROBOTIQ DEVICES SPECIFICATION 2-FINGER-85 (LATEST) 2-FINGER-85 (LEGACY) AND 3-FINGER GRIPPER 2-FINGER-200 Output voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC Output current 1 A 2 A 20 A Ripple 2-3 % peak-peak 2-3 % peak-peak 2-3 % peak-peak Output regulation 10% maximum 10% maximum 10% maximum Overcurrent Recommended power supply as an internal protection, otherwise fusing is required with : 2 A fuse at 25°C [77oF]2 Recommended power supply as an internal protection, otherwise fusing is required with : 2 A fuse at 77°F [25oC]2 10 A thermomagnetic circuit breaker at 73°F [23oC]3 Overvoltage protection Not required

Thanks !

You are welcome!
Did you already check if all Power versions of KUKA iiwa Media flange work for the 2Fs and 3F, what means 60V/4A, 30V/1.5A, 24V/1.5A and 24V/3A? Is the Robotiq standard COM cable a CAT5? Means we can use X651 for connecting the universal Controller. Thanks