With regards to the setup, are there part numbers to order the adaptor plate and the multi-gripper cable and any other necessary components?
I just open a support ticket for this. we wil get back here if there is any useful information for someone else
Hi everyone,
Just want to let you know we just release an adapter plate for the dual gripper.
@Attabotics there you go: AGC-APL-159-00.STEP. We are in the process of revamping the website, it should appear there during the summer.
Thank you.
...actually, we support up to four Grippers on the same arm.
Our new Gripper URCap software upgrade now includes multiple Grippers control. But that’s not all!
Here is the list of new features and bug fixes on the new Gripper URCap:
Support for configuration and programming of up to 4 Grippers on the same UR arm. The Grippers can be moved all together or one at the time.
The Gripper can now be reactivated from the Installation tab.
Watch a video on how to install the Multi-Gripper feature:
Download the new URCaps on our support website.
I’d like to give a special thanks to our beta testers that ensured this new software upgrade is top notch: @Enric from Vicosystems as well as @Gerbert and @Evert from Gibas.